Technology Alert - Chatbot for Real Estate Industry

Time is of essence in the real estate industry. You need to stay on top of every market trend. In one of our previous blogs, we spoke about how millennials are entering the buyers’ market. Millennials as we all know are tech savvy and everything is instantaneous. You need to make sure you provide accurate and comprehensive information to stay ahead of the game. But we know it’s impossible to hire someone who will be willing to work 24/7 and this is where the new chatbot technology can come to your rescue.

What is chatbot you ask? It’s also referred to as Chatter bot, this computer software is programmed to send specially crafted messages and audio clips to any enquiries. Chatbot is designed to hold human-like conversation with people on the other side of the computer. Here are 3 ways chatbot can revolutionize estate industry:

1. Bring in hot leads

Yes, you heard it right, chatbot can be designed to ask specific questions which will improve the response rate of the client. chatbot can be programmed to send specific answers which will help keep the person chatting engaged and informed. This technology can help you filter the leads and get best-in-class leads.

2. It's instant

Everyone is thirsty for information and if you don’t give it to them fast, they either lose interest or head over to the competition. Chatbot gives instant replies anytime of the day. These can be accessed through any device which provides instant and accurate customer service.

3. Saves time

Prospecting and cold calling will be effective with chatbot. We all know agents spend a considerable amount of time prospecting and with all the listings, showings, open houses, closing, training etc., they end up missing opportunities and clients lose interest.

Chatbot is also known to be predictive, it can learn behavior and almost anticipate the next question making the entire chat process smooth and human-like. Though this technology is new, it looks like chatbot is here to stay. Check back to our blog for more new technology related articles.