WEBINAR: Get Past the Hype - Brokerage tech you actually need!

Do you ever feel out of touch with modern technology? Don't worry, we all do! What you're feeling is called 'tech envy'.

The world is changing. Innovation is everywhere. The real estate industry is no different. Whether or not your brokerage uses the latest technologies can affect whether your brokerage can generate leads and recruit and retain quality agents.

With a new technology invented every day, it can be overwhelming to discern which technologies you actually need. This is because tech envy is a complex problem that often results in brokerages adopting a variety of non-collaborative and sometimes unnecessary technologies. This cornucopia of technology can lead to inefficiencies and lost productivity.

The secret to overcoming tech envy? Focus on technologies that support the most important operations of your brokerage, and learn to look past every new app or tool.

Register for our webinar here to find out what technologies you actually need. In our webinar you will:

  • Understand the common problems associated with operating piecemeal technology and how to ensure they don’t derail your business
  • Discover which areas of your business can benefit most from tech investments
  • Understand how the right technology can drive revenue, improve productivity and deliver a better customer experience.