3 Tips to Set the Tone for 2018

We’re halfway through January. If you’re anything like me then you’ve already had a few resolutions fizzle out, conveniently forgotten (or intentionally broken?!) until closer to summer.

But it’s never too late to get on the right track.

Here are 3 tips to help you set the tone for a productive 2018.

#1. Make your goals measureable

Lorne Wallace, our Founder & Executive Chairman, is fond of saying ‘what gets measured gets done’. Of Lorne’s many pearls of wisdom, I think I like this one the best. It means that when you make a goal then you should make it measurable. That way you can tell whether you’re on track to reach that goal, which means you can intervene if you’re not.

For example, I have a goal of losing 10 pounds by May. So far, I’ve gained 2. (Stupid Holiday parties!). Anyways, though I’m off target, at least I know I’m off target. Now I can take control of this goal before things get out of hand.

For your brokerage’s goals, brokerWOLF has an awesome measuring tool: the Agent Budget Report in menu option 8.B.3. Here, you can pick any of your agents and enter the ends, volume, and commission rate you expect from that agent over a set time period. Using your transaction data, brokerWOLF will then compare these expectations to actual production and give you a variance (the difference between that agent’s goals and their results). At any point during the time period, you can pull this report and instantly see whether that agent is on track to meet their targets. If they’re off track, then you know. And knowing means you can do something about it! So, by making these goals measurable, you make them more likely to happen.

#2. Focus on holistic improvement

Holistic improvement is more than a buzzword. It’s the best way to achieve long lasting success. For example, a personal trainer isn’t going to just make your biceps bigger. They’re going to help you with diet, exercise, and lifestyle, and all of these things combined will result in an overall improvement to your health that will be much more significant than making minor tweaks here and there.

As many of you know, we added TransactionDesk to our suite of solutions a couple months ago. The first thing we did with TransactionDesk was hook it up into brokerWOLF. Now, users of the former can send their transactions and documents directly to the latter. This means no added data entry, less chance of human error, and ensured compliance with every deal. It also means less time spent on menial administrative tasks for agents and staff alike.

So this integration benefits everyone on the team. I’d say that’s a tremendous holistic improvement for the brokerage. Check out our 60 second video to see more.

If you’re not using TransactionDesk yet, make sure to check out our video demo here or register for one of weekly live demos.

#3: Attend our Town Hall

OK, shameless plug here. We’re having an exclusive Town Hall for our clients on February 7th and we really want you all to attend.

Seriously though, this Town Hall will help you set the tone for a productive new year. We’ll be talking about our product direction for 2018, which means you’ll get an inside look at some of the features your brokerage will have at their fingertips, and you’ll get to know about them before anyone else.

And on a personal note, I’ll be the one behind the scenes filming Patrick (our CEO), Brian (our COO), and Matt (VP, Product), and I’d love to meet you all.

Who knows, maybe I’ll have made some progress on that 10 pounds by then!